This is an open letter to Maheeda, the prostitute who became born
again, then went back to her old ways.
In not more than 200 words I'd like to tell you what I think of you
and your recent abuse of social networks. If I should allow myself to
use more words than that you'd hate my very existence. So I'd keep it
as short as possible.
You've taken the exercising of the term 'freedom of expression' a bit
too far. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that you were
once a gospel musician, what kinda gospel music were you singing,
s*xual gospel? Huh?
Will you please kindly kindly kindly stop bombarding our eyes and
spoiling our spiritual fasts (Yes! We are still God fearing, unlike
you) via social networks with pictures of your after one, not so hot
but manageable body, graphic and explicit suggestions that make
'places' rise.
Show off your shoes and not your panties and No! We don't want to see
your hooties.
And try to promote your music and not your nudies. :-D
N.B: I'm not a fan of yours, just a fan of good music..
Yours Faithfully,
Concerned fan.