Sunday 29 September 2013

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a perennial plant, distinguished by the white and yellowish-greenish flowers it produces, as well as its thick and long twisting rhizoid (stem). The ginger plant is known to have originated in China, however it has since then been cultivated in many other countries, including: India, South West Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean. The plant is famous for its concentrated, spicy aroma, which can be attributed to the fact that it is composed of up to 3% natural essential oils.
      It has been made available for eating and for flavouring foods. It can be ground up and  processed into powders, tonic, flavouring and then marketed in health stores.         

                                 Here are the top 10 health benefits of ginger

  1. The intake of ginger helps stimulate the secretion of mucus, quieting your cough and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.
  2. Ginger acts as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of allergies.
  3. Ginger has proven to help lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  4. Tummy groaning or moaning under cramps? Munch on ginger.
  5. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients
  6. Haven't been feeling hungry? Eat fresh ginger just before lunch to stoke a dull appetite and fire up the digestive juices
  7. Ginger may provide migrane relief due to it's ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels
  8. A study at the university of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
  9. Ginger has been used in ancient times to cure diarrhea
  10. A known aphrodisiac. Ginger has been used for years to enhance sexual activity.

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